战略规划2023 - 2028年
战略计划2023 - 2028
杰纳西社区学院以前的战略计划, “构建我们的未来”帮助指导学院从2018年到2023年. 确保学院继续以专注和高效的方式运作, a comprehensive effort has been undertaken to update the College’s Strategic Plan through the 2027- 2028 academic year. The updated strategic plan will be implemented in support of the College’s vision and mission that will assist in the new plan named “Connect | Include | Evolve”.
这所学院在过去几年中取得了很大的成功, 但要满足当地的需求,还有许多挑战, regional, 全球社区. The College’s updated strategic plan consists of 战略重点 supported by 核心目标 which will provide a road map to meeting key performance indicators. The 核心目标 emphasize Genesee’s commitment to helping 学生 successfully complete their 教育 goals.
随着学生群体的日益多样化, 实现这些个人目标的挑战是巨大的, 需要协调一致的努力.
Genesee 社区 College will continue to build on its successes with new collaborative partnerships, 创新学术项目, 以及促进学术卓越的包容性文化, 持续改进, 专业发展. The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan will serve as a living plan for the College to empower its 学生, 员工与合作伙伴“连接|包容|进化”.
作为包容性的, 以学习者为中心的社区大学, 我们培育卓越的教学和教育机会
支持公平的智力和社会发展, 对多样性的承诺, 经济发展, and
GCC将是你的首选大学, 以其高度创新而闻名, flexible, 个性化的教育体验,
终身学习的机会, 以及让我们社区的人们在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长的能力.
In order to offer the highest quality academic experience and maintain a welcoming environment to all 学生 and staff, GCC holds the following core values that we express in both the classroom and our daily lives:
We commit to effective 协作 and open communication; we are united by our shared purpose and we value our connections with the broader community in which we serve.
We embrace the uniqueness of all individuals and groups for their ability to enrich every aspect of our teaching and learning environment.
We adhere to high ethical standards and practices; we value honesty, fairness, 所有努力都要透明.
我们培养创造性, 创新, 和协作的环境,促进学术成就和终身学习.
我们投资学生的机会, equity, 以及支持个人成长的成功, 发展, and advancement; we value each community member’s distinctive potential and capacity to contribute.
我们力求文明, courtesy, 和体贴, 同时认识和欣赏不同的观点.
We pledge to achieve long-term success and viability through environmental protection, stable
经济表现, 增强社会凝聚力,提高大学lol电竞菠菜质量.